Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sad Good-byes

So yeah, it's been like 10 days since I've updated this.....sorry bout that :) I don't have an excuse for you, oh well.

Anyways, this week was kind of sad because we had a group of cps leaving. We lost 3 great people from the H&V and we all already miss them. That's one of the tough things about being a cp, there are constantly people leaving and arriving. 5 months really isn't that long and it goes by really quickly. I can't believe I've already been here close to 2 months.

Well, this past week has been a lot of parks and work (as it should be). I kinda went to epcot way too many times. A cast member in mexico started to recognize me.....not a good thing. So my goal this week is to stay out of epcot entirely. We'll see if I can do it.

My mom and sister are visiting next week! yay!! I can't wait to see them and spend some time with them. We're going to stay at the Caribbean Beach Resort with my 50% off discount! I love that cast members get such a great discount on hotels. It's only gonna cost about $100 a night. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like my scheduler gave me the days I asked for off. (Even though I requested them a month ago) So I'll be hanging out with them in between going to work......not exactly the best thing. Hopefully I can find somebody to take a couple of those shifts for me but if not......I'm gonna be exhausted from running around like crazy. It'll come down to me getting them in the park in the morning, spending a couple hours with them, going to work, and meeting them at the hotel at night.

Well that's all for now. I feel like I never have anything new to talk about on this thing. If any of you future cpers have questions about the program, feel free to ask them. I need something to talk about! :)

1 comment:

  1. hey :) i'm doing the FAQ program and may or may not be working at hollywood & vine... i mean who really knows? ;)

    anyway, i was looking at pics and it looks like there's a hostess stand outside - do you work outside a lot?
