So I moved out of my dormroom today. That was kinda weird, leaving behind my roomies and all my friends. I didn't even realize how much stuff I had in there until I was trying to get it all packed. And...of course.......I have a cold. I hardly ever get sick, but when I do either finals are happening (which they are) or something big is happening in my life (which is also true with the whole moving to Disney World thing). But I really don't care if I'm sick. In exactly one week I will be on my way to Florida! woohoo!
Now since I live in california, I can't really have my car in florida. Well I guess I could, but that would involve a week in a car. I would probably have to leave tomorrow. :) And since I have finals on Wednesday and Friday, I don't think that would work. So....I will be packing my life into a couple of suitcases and a box that my parents will ship to me. I'll be jumping on a plane and hoping I didn't forget anything too important.
Packing for an airplane:
Most packing blogs I've read have been about people packing all these different little knick knacks into their cars. Since I won't be able to do that, I'm gonna focus on the essentials.
1. Professional Clothes!!!!! (Very important to have for traditions and training. This will include dress pants, blouses, sweater, and nice shoes)
2. My kindle (it's kind of the love of my life right now......some people buy an ipod......others buy a kindle)
3. Laptop (I could never survive without my laptop....this would also include all the cords that go along with it...power, ethernet, I also have this lock so that you can lock to a table or a desk)
4. Regular clothes (I'll be going to epcot the day before I check in so I'll definitely need some regular clothes to hang out in)
5. UMBRELLA (it rains in florida....or so i've heard :) )
6. Paperwork for checking in, driver's license, passport, all that good stuff.
7. Cellphone (kinda goes without saying....but I'm putting it on the list)
8. Digital camera (my dad just bought me a new one a couple of days ago, it's really pretty :) can't wait to take lots and lots and lots of pics in fl!)
9. Sheets
10. My mickey towels :)
11. A pretty dress (you never know when you'll need a pretty dress)
12. A backpack (always a good thing to have, I'll probably bring 2 that are different sizes)
and most likely....my suitcase will now be full.
The great thing about moving somewhere is that.......THERE'S ALWAYS SOMEWHERE TO BUY SOMETHING YOU FORGOT :) I plan on buying pillows, a comforter, extra towels, any kitchen supplies I might need, toiletry stuff, and any odds and ends when I get there. I have no idea what I'll do with all that stuff on August 13 when I leave, but I'll figure something out.
I can't believe how fast this quarter at school has gone by. It feels like only yesterday I had 89 days left till my cp. Now there's only 9 days left.
Well that's all for now. Talk to you soon!